one of the advantages of having a blog, dear readers, is that even in the middle of the most difficult circumstances one can comfort oneself with the thought that when it is all over it will make good blog fodder. such was the case this week.
as my readers from the uk will know, it has been wet. there has been rain of biblical proportions. this has coincided with the 'clearing the drive' project. one pile on the drive was a large trampoline. when the captain and mrs captain left for sunnier climes, they gave the peeps their trampoline. my boy loves to jump, as can be seen from this photo. the plan was to erect the trampoline in the front garden. however, not long after the trampoline arrived, herself was signed off work. plans were hatched in an effort to avoid ruin. the plan most relevant to the trampoline was the 'build a house in the front garden and sell it to pay off the mortgage' plan. clearly there would not be room for a house and a trampoline in the front garden, large though it is. so the trampoline stayed on the drive, getting very wet.
herself would have sold the trampoline, but she could not see that anyone would want a very wet trampoline, even though it is waterproof, so she found a lady who has some bouncy children who wanted it. the lady has a very small car so herself offered to transport the trampoline in the trailer.
so thursday found my lady friend and i in the back of the car, watching the circus. young rokit is not allowed in the back as he cannot be trusted to behave, so he was in the passenger seat. as he did not have much of a view he contented himself with eating himself's sunglasses and removing the clip from the fire extinguisher, no doubt in the hope that the car would be filled with foam and give us all a laugh.
the rain on thursday was horizontal. herself and the trampoline lady battled the elements and eventually loaded the trailer with all the poles and canvas and nets. the trampoline was duly delivered to the lady's house.
now all that remains is for the dismantled shed to be collected by a mate of herself's who has bought it from the peeps, the last load of junk to be taken to the tip, and mr rokit to spread the rest of the gravel. then the peeps will be able to give a passable impression of people you might actually want to buy a house from...
That is a fantastic photo, lurchers appear to have quite a keen eye when it comes to photography.
Looks like things are on the upswing
I love that picture. Funny. After I had children I couldn't swing or jump on a trampoline. Headaches, dizziness, the lot.
He looks like pure joy.
I wish I had your motivation when it comes to clearing things out.... I really must get motivated for Spring!
What a marathon! FAbulous photo of him though.
Best wishes
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