dear readers, it seems that we are not involved in the 'knit your own muesli' project any longer. it is now far more scientific than that. we now have 'multiple income streams'. this means that, as well as heading off to the office and doing boring things there, herself also sells things on ebay, does cleaning for other people and goes to car boot sales. it seems she also walks other people's dogs. not content with having young dave and i to walk, herself has found another dog to walk too.
to be fair, herself did not go out advertising herself as an expert dog walker, even though she has probably walked more miles with dogs than most folks on the planet. what happened was that she was chatting to a friend who had been let down by her regular dog-walker. herself offered to help them out.
as it turns out, the friends' dog does not come out with us on our walks. she is a rather nervous soul and is afraid of other dogs. i am not sure why anyone would be afraid of young dave and yours truly but it takes all sorts. the plan is to gently introduce her to us and then she can join us on our rambles. so all i know about her is what i have overheard. and i have to say it is rather disturbing.
to start with, the friends' dog is covered in spots. now i have nothing against a few spots. my legs are rather speckled in fact. but spots all over? and then, more seriously, there is her name. it seems she is called 'kinky'. so when this new friend starts to come for walks with us we will have to suffer the embarrassment of herself yelling "kinky! oh, kinky!" around the neighbourhood. i suppose we should be glad that it is not normal to call dogs by their full names.
our friends' surname is power. the thought of herself walking round the park shouting "kinky power", pursued by men in raincoats who want a good telling off, is too much for my sensibilities.
i hear you puzzling as to the relevance of the picture. it is our dvd player. herself was planning to sell it on ebay. until she discovered it no longer works...
Bwahaha! "Kinky Power!"
That's hysterical!
Oh you made me laugh!
:-D Was thinking more of " Kinky, Dave" or "Kinky, Joker"
Does herself ever stop? I can just see her calling out Kinky, Kinky. I should expect she will attract a few interesting people on her walks with the spotted dog.
What a hoot.
sell me your dogs.
and i want to have kinky power. No! Powers!
HA! You, poor dog, as so sensible. Who doesn't need a little kinky hollering in the park?
Dalmatians are totally dotty. As neurotic as Border collies; but without the intelligence.
My friend made the mistake of tying hers to a Calor Gas sign out side a shop, the dog took off up the street, taking the sign with it,damaging three cars as it went, it was one hefty bill. But then, maybe it was the human that lacked the intelligence not the dalmatian.
It used to eat a lot of soap, the (dog not the human.)
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