mrs flutter has been writing about yoga today. i am a yoga fan. every morning herself rolls out of bed, rolls out a rubber mat and rolls around on it. well, she doesn't exactly roll on the mat but i got on a bit of a roll with the roll thing...
the very least i can do is to join in. after all, they must have named the 'downward dog' thing after a dog. in the picture above i am not really doing yoga - i am playing football. the proper downward dog pose has my head much lower down. but you get the idea.
it is a necessary part of my morning routine to do my dog yoga. herself gets a little tetchy that i want to share her mat when there is a whole house where i could do it. but as mrs flutter points out, when yoga comes in, personal space goes out of the window. (i am not sure space can go out of a window but never mind, i'm sure you get my drift.)
herself has got much better at yoga since she lost a little weight. she is quite a wobbly sort of character and a lot of the wobbliness is concentrated round the front in the form of a fine belly. while a fine belly is useful for packing in a lot of spaghetti, it does get in the way when doing yoga. it is a testament to herself's extreme bendiness that even with the belly she could put her palms flat on the floor by her feet with her legs straight. now the belly is a little thinner she can almost tie herself in a knot.
most people do yoga in a calm, controlled sort of way. i have seen videos of them. herself decided this sort of yoga took too long. luckily she discovered a type of yoga designed for maniacs. it is called ashtanga. even a lurcher cannot keep up with it. no sooner have i slid down into 'downward dog' than the man on the dvd has told us we should be doing 'upward dog', or bouncing like frogs into the plank position. its no wonder my fur is going grey...
well your posture is perfect, I must say!
Yoga for maniacs? I have a mental image of you racing through your poses, sweating and grunting, not wait, that's me. Oh well. Good on you.
Yoga for maniacs!
That downward dog pose really is perfect--I always struggled with that one.
You know, that's the first time I've seen a full on picture of you Joker....and now I can see why herself thinks you look so much like Lurcher No.1!! Your just a bit hairier!
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