while all the world's financial institutions are tumbling, and water is pouring through the house, herself has one other little problem. someone has decided to steal her identity. why on earth anyone would want to steal her identity is beyond me. the last couple of days, and indeed many in the recent past, would have most people running in the other direction. but it seems that someone has pretended to be herself and applied for various credit cards in her name. some of the banks have spotted a rather glaring error in the applications in that herself is not a man, but one of the larger banks has allowed the charmer who pulled this stunt to withdraw several thousand pounds. fortunately this did not happen to herself's own bank account or we might have been in bother.
so herself has spent most of the morning on the phone to various financial institutions, trying to save the stock market from total collapse, and to the police, who were very nice about it all. she is feeling a little under siege...
o bum, such irritations. I hope it sorts out quickly. That's just not fair.
Holy crap! And why does it feel so crappy to be so angry and not have a real person to direct it at! Lazy burglars, show your face!
This makes me so angry. What right do people think they have to try to destroy people. You have enough to deal with, you don't need this. I hope they catch the guy and he goes directly to jail. I hope this does not cause you too much undo stress and that you get your money back. It is awful!
that shit is uncalled for. (sorry for the language, sort of!) hoping all will reach well soon. xoxo
oh my god. That would totally freak me out.
On a positive note, I hugged one of you today outside the school. She looked just like you but golden. Tell me again? What kind of lurcher are you?
OMG! I think I would start gibbering! Thinking of you. xo
Ugh. We've had that happen on a very minor scale. I'm sorry - I hope your human gets it resolved as painlessly and quickly as possible. :(
You poor thing!!! How frustrating! I hope it gets resolved VERY soon and you can get back to "normal" living again.
A pear shaped week indeed. Hope it gets better soon my dear. Sending hugs and good thoughts across the Atlantic. Hubby will be in London tomorrow if that helps. No?
Take care sweetie.
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