young dave and i are in love! the object of our affections is the lady who is coming to help my boy with his fear. she is called claudia and she is quite wonderful. as soon as we met her i knew things were going to go well. she let me give her ear a little lick and i whispered a few well-chosen compliments while i was there. needless to say she was charmed.
then during the session young dave, who has yet to learn the finer points of romance, sat behind her on the sofa and alternated leaning his head on her shoulder with nibbling her ears. i need to work harder with him on the "wooing ladies" module. although claudia seemed very happy with his clumsy efforts and showed him some magic tricks involving a disappearing felt pen.
the session went very well. my boy learned how the fear is making him feel sick and that he needs to work on the thoughts that set the whole thing off. claudia is going to come again next week so young dave and i will have the chance to see her again soon. and then my boy and i are going to visit her at her consulting room.
i just hope the fear doesn't disappear too quickly...
sounds like a movie in the making. Good luck! ~Rick
You are such a charmer, Joker! Young Dave would do well to heed your advice. I am happy to hear how well the sessions are going. Good luck, Pen.
Glad to hear it! She sounds like a keeper!
Oh she sounds just lovely! Lucky you and Dave!
wags from the whippets
You horny little hound. Put the boy's well being before your pelvic region, lurcher.
Such good news for all the humans involved!
CBT works wonders, I'm sure it'll help your son. As for Dave, I don't think there's any hope for him:)
Awesome! I'd be okay with Dave's clumsy efforts. Just showing affection takes lots of courage and bravery. Joker, you are a pro, though, so give him room on the learning curve, 'mkay?
CBT, canine biscuit treats, must be.
mrs window: i will have you know we are talking courtly love here, not the smutty sort. you must have a grubby mind!
I do not know what I want or need more. A nibble on the ear or someone to help me chart my fear.
Well Joker, if you recommend Claudia, I am sure you have found the right person to help your boy. Good luck with the sessions.
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