dear readers, young dave is feeling very sorry for himself. he has been for a little op on his wedding tackle. there is now less wedding tackle than there was before and he is wearing a lampshade.
the op was done on wednesday. herself dropped young dave off at the vets before work. i am still made to go and see the evil vet as he understands my various scars but since we have moved young dave is registered with the vet in our street. when herself went to collect him the vet had a quiet word. it appeared that young dave had disgraced himself by howling all day, to the point where they had to put him in his own room to avoid him disturbing the other patients. quite a lot of the howling was before he had the op so it cannot be put down to pain.
the same thing happened last saturday when i had to pop up to the evil vets to have my shoulder checked. (the scar from my surgery has been a bit weird but it seems it is nothing to worry about). when herself and i got back young dave was upstairs in my boy's room. he had been wailing non-stop to the point where the neighbours would have been disturbed. i have to say it warms my old heart that the little chap is so fond of his big friend.
herself has decided to try to tackle the howling before it becomes too much of a habit. so young dave and i are having separate time in little doses so he gets used to his own company. it appears that young dave has a form of what my boy has. so he too is having cbt. the young folks in our family are a fearful lot.
while young dave has to make do with herself as his therapist, my boy is going to have a proper therapist to deal with his fear. with the help of the lovely renal counsellor, herself has found a lady. this lady has a beefburger daughter and an artistic son so she knows her stuff. she is going to visit on monday to see what is what with my boy. and when he is brave enough to go to her house for his sessions, i am going to be allowed to go with him to hold his hand. i am very much looking forward to these outings. even a dog of my advanced years needs to keep on top of his neuroses...
hehehehe sorry Dave!
Oh Look at young daves face. Bless him. 'Evil vet' lol :)
Poor Dave. I bet he's feeling sorry for himself. Just look at those eyes... LOL
This is one of those posts that has you chuckling to yourself in an empty room. Poor young Dave. He was quite fond of his wedding tackle and will sorely miss it. The howling is another thing altogether. In my experience, lurchers howl...lots. If he gets cured of this I bow down and give full respect. Good news the lad may conquer his fears with some help. Pen.
I can't read a post without smiling. Except of course, when I'm crying, which does happen from time to time. Glad there are options in the future.
Oh, poor Dave looks so lowly.
oh dave. what a face of woe.....
Dave well and truly looks like he mourns shooting blanks. Poor fellow
Poor poor Dave
Oh, poor little guy! Losing one's nuts can be a traumatic event!
Poor baby, look at those beautiful eyes. I hope he feels better soon. I need to take Daisy, but I keep putting it off. These huge male dogs keep howling at our front door. Amazing how the males always seem to know.
I hope things work out with the counselor. Sounds like a really good fit. Please e-mail!
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Poor young Dave! ;-)
oh poor boy! He does look sad but I have a feeling that is the way he always looks... Thanks for visiting my site- looking forward to reading yours!
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