well dear readers, things are a bit cheerier around these parts than when i last wrote. but before i tell you all about it, herself and i wanted to thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments. it is a source of great support to know that folks around the world are thinking of us as we muddle through life.
yesterday was the day when the assistant head teacher came to visit us. there was a fair bit of tidying and dusting and so on beforehand. young dave was given strict instructions to leave his wedding tackle alone. my boy was told to avoid tricky subjects like dog porn. eventually the assistant head teacher arrived. young dave and i quickly ascertained that she was a lover of dogs and young dave gently chewed the hem of her skirt while i gazed into her eyes. this charm offensive soon paid off and after a long discussion with the peeps about ways in which my boy can be educated without actually going to school she went upstairs to chat to my boy in his room/cave. i am not sure what was spoken about as young dave and i were forced to stay downstairs with the peeps but it sounded fairly positive and my boy, who had been dreading his teacher seeing our house, came down smiling. it seems that for the time being the peeps are freed from the threat of court, which has cheered them up no end.
then herself dashed off to the clinic for sad, fearful and deranged young people. it seems that herself attending without my boy was possible and she spent a happy hour telling my boy's shrink about things. a plan was formulated whereby the shrink has put my boy on some new meds, in addition to his happy pills. the new meds are to help conquer severe anxiety. the shrink gave herself another appointment in 2 weeks at which hopefully my boy will attend.
when herself got home and told my boy all about the new meds he asked what sort they were.
"they're anti-psychotics," explained herself.
"that doesn't mean they will put me off my guns does it?" said my boy, with one eye on the important things as always.
herself re-assured him that his warlike tendencies would remain undiminished. then it was time for them to head off to the snake-charmers' house for my boy's smiths lesson. smiths is something to do with numbers and mr snake-charmer, a wizard with numbers, is teaching it to my boy in return for which herself is doing the snake-charmers' garden. or more accurately operating a sort of scorched earth policy in their garden. it is about to be re-arranged and herself told the snake-charmers firmly that they needed to have things pruned in order to see what was what. i think the plan is to have a sort of mediterranean theme, although from the sound of it it is more along the lines of savanah at the moment...
great to hear this - and well done dave for behaving - I kept waiting for it to all go pear shaped; ))
So happy. You are long overdue for a little good. Hope this good continues to grow.
I'm so pleased things are looking brighter. Your wit, humour and resilience throughout all the crap that life seems to throw at you sometimes is a real inspiration.
amazing the power of soft doggie eyes on the powers that be.
Thank goodness things are looking up at last. You deserve some good fortune coming your way and maybe this is the start. I am impressed young Dave behaved himself. My puppy would have shreded her clothes, as is his habit.
It's so lovely to read some positive news for you all ... long long overdue ... and long may it continue xx J
Sorry things havent been too good, but glad to see things looking a little more positive :) Take care xx
Thank you for the visit to my blog. I hope all goes well with you all, and the boy overcomes his fearfulness. As a parent with 2 young children with asperger's, I am intimately familiar with anxiety issues, and they are most certainly not fun for anyone.
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