we did not get off to that good a start on the navigation front. herself is in the habit of driving to a place near to where she is aiming to end up and then phoning the person to ask to be talked in, rather like a pilot on a runway. this strategy is bound to fail when the person concerned comes from another country and therefore does not actually know where they are, other than that there are a lot of trees. not that herself actually managed to phone mrs deb. so we used google maps on herself's phone. this is a neat little program developed by a colleague of the extreme programmer which has tiny maps and even gives you directions. the downside is that if you need glasses to see your phone and they are not glasses you can drive in you will come unstuck unless you have a passenger to call out where to turn. while my lady friend and i were only too happy to assist, our paws just will not work the keypad.
so we ended up quite some way from our destination. but eventually we found mrs deb. she was walking up the road near the cottage where she and her mum are staying. herself did a double take and jammed on the brakes.
"are you deb?" she asked, hoping that she was right. a wild lady leaping out of a car containing two lurchers on a country road and accosting a passer-by might be cause for concern.
"yes!" replied the wonderful mrs deb. my lady friend and i took to her at once. she has lovely twinkly eyes and a smile that would melt the heart of anyone. here is a picture of her.

herself threw her arms around mrs deb for a hug. in my book this is a risky strategy. if you tried it with my lady friend you would get bitten. but mrs deb has much better manners and returned the hug. we went back to the house where mrs deb and her mum are staying and had a bowl of water and then headed off for an outing.
first stop was a place called battle. it is called battle because it is the site of a battle. luckily this happened some time ago so there were no dead bodies lying around. the plan was to visit an exhibition of photos including some by an internet friend of herselfs called loo. or maybe lou. we wandered along to the place where this was to happen. there did not seem to be anyone around so we went on up to the gallery. my lady friend has a little trouble with stairs and the stairs in question were made of wood. we must have sounded like a herd of elephants. the door was locked so herself and mrs deb decided to go for a coffee until it opened. the coffee turned into a little snack but eventually my lady friend and i were put in the car.
as herself and mrs deb headed off to the gallery, herself had a rare moment of common sense and decided to look at the leaflet. lo, the exhibition was open from tuesday to saturday. unfortunately our visit was on a monday. this is just so like herself. she has had the leaflet for weeks but had failed to read the crucial bit about when they might actually be able to get in.
after a swift tour of the sights of battle the ladies decided to take my lady friend and i for a walk on the beach. unfortunately they first had to get out of the car park. to get the barrier to lift you had to put money into a machine. the machine did not like herself's money. it spat out every coin several times. not to be deterred herself delivered a sound clout in a strategic spot on its front whereupon the barrier lifted obligingly. a passing old lady looked admiringly at herself and her magic fist.
eventually we found ourselves in a place called bexhill. we have been there before as the peeps are in the habit of going round a thing called the ickbillion. this was named by my boy and is a large white building where dogs are not allowed. mrs deb and herself went inside for a cup of hot chocolate. it seems that mrs deb is very similar to herself in her ability to provide blog-fodder at the drop of a hat. the ladies were sitting chatting over their hot chocolate. mrs deb was so engrossed that she failed to notice that she was carefully pouring her hot chocolate all over the table. herself did a bit of mopping up before whipping out the camera, all the while hooting with laughter.

then my lady friend and i were collected from the car and we wandered down to the beach. unfortunately bexhill had got wind of the visit and signs were strategically placed along the seafront, informing us that dogs were not allowed on the beach. it seems this included inflatable dogs.

so we watched while mrs deb had a wander on the stones. then the time came to navigate our way back to where mrs deb was staying. herself instructed mrs deb in the use of the map thing on the phone. it turned out not to be much help as you have to watch it carefully and the ladies were too busy chatting about interesting things like handcuffs. however, eventually we arrived at our destination. mrs deb was dropped off with more hugs.
then it was time to go and fetch my boy. herself told him all about her day and about how much she had liked mrs deb. my boy told her about his day at school. the conversation turned to the time when he had let slip in a spelling test that he had been watching a programme on telly where a person had a nine inch nail bashed through their head (this was in the middle of a spelling test where the children had to think of words which rhymed with snail). herself reminded him yet again that some subjects of conversation were not appropriate for school and that the teachers would think he had neglectful parents and might report them to the authorities.
"well they know i come from a good family so they can just piss off!" said my boy, demonstrating just how well brought up he is.
"are we a good family?" asked herself.
"yes, we're a pretty dysfunctional family, but in a good way." said my boy, emphatically. i suppose this is some sort of a compliment.
when we got home my boy looked at the pictures.
"she does have a lovely face!" he said of mrs deb, "what's her voice like?"
"a sort of soft canadian accent," said herself.
"does she say 'sockerrrrr' for football?"
"funnily enough, we didn't talk about football once," said herself, "we had much more important things to talk about, like blogs and life and stuff."
Oh beautiful deb! What a wonderful day!
What a fantastic day! And that hot chocolate It looked wonderful...
blogs and life and such.
you are lucky to have witnessed that hug.
Thank you for including us in your lovely visit. I feel as though I helped mop up the spilt chocolate.
Hiya! My name is Sandy and I am a golden retriever of mature years. My Nan has a blog too – although she has been neglecting her blogging duties a bit lately. I don’t mind that – as long as she doesn’t neglect her dog-walking duties!
Anyway, my Nan read a comment that your ‘Herself’ made on another blog, in which she said that you both live in the same little town that we do! My Nan said that you might go walkies on the beaches that we do – and she even suggested that you might go to my park! I don’t really mind that - as long as you do realise that it is MY park! I love my park and have been sniffing around there for over 12 years now: it is a very exciting place! At the moment, it is even more exciting than usual because there is a fair there and my Nan says that means that there are going to be lots of new and interesting smells around.
Anyway, I have got to go now and try to scrounge some of my folk’s food. Woof, Woof for now!
I like your boy...new perspectives I've yet to see from older boys...mine being only 6. When I tucked my son in the other night and he said he was scared I told him that he had nothing to worry about because we have the best family in the world. He said, "Ya, right mom, but everybody thinks so." Maybe he was (mostly) right. Glad you met Deb. Nice to see these connections.
What is so ironic is I just discovered Deb's blog this am, and was so taken in by it. She mentioned that she was going to visit you, and I come today and read this. Small, wonderful blogging world.
I am glad you had such a wonderful visit!! It sounds like it was a day of relaxation and laughs between two old friends, instead of two friends who just met.
I enjoyed the pictures too!
I LOVE THIS! How cool is it that you two got to meet in person!
I must go visit Deb's blog.
I really enjoy your creativity!
I had such a lovely time meeting herself, and Joker and Phoebe as well. I have a secret crush on Joker, he's such a gifted writer, I mentioned he might think of writing a book.
As for herself, lovely, lovely lady. Just wish we could have spent more time together but I'm so glad I got to meet her.
Which blog is Deb's? I want to visit her site? Nevermind. Found her in your comments. Duh!
well I have also suggested that the very talented joker should take up professional writing...
maybe you'll listen to deb - a wise and beautiful lady...
sounds like a lovely visit - thanks for going to the exhibition at least you got a lot closer than me to seeing it; )
How wonderful! So good to hear you both managed to meet up and have a lovely day.
And im so jelouse!! I was so looking forward to meeting Deb but life got in the way.
I just found you because of a post of yours on jenlemen's blog! You are the first Angharad I have ever met except in How Green Was My Valley. If we had had a daughter that was going to be her name. I'm so glad to meet you!
Love it. What a treat.
Best wishes
I thoroughly enjoyed this, from the poor navigational skills to the boy from the good family who wants his detractors to "piss off!" lol.
Glad to hear you had a lovely visit.
OK, just checking in to make sure you are alright. Probably just enjoying the season but I'm beginning to worry about certain important people...um, I mean, dogs...
...are you still lurking ,Lurcher?
Gadget sends her regards.
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