Monday, June 22, 2009

joker the lurcher? never heard of him!

readers, you may wonder why i am in disguise. well it seems that the anonymity of the blog world is about to be removed. a newspaper has decided that, while it is perfectly acceptable to keep the identity of people who give its reporters information private, it is somehow in the public interest to expose the identity of those of us bloggers who tell the world about things.

i suppose it all comes down to cutting out the middleman. if people can just log onto a blog and read about how it is, why would they bother buying a newspaper? so the newspaper is out to close down blogs so it can keep its share of the market in telling people about things. at least that is my take on it. but then what would i know? i am only a humble lurcher after all.

well i for one will never set a paw on the newspaper in question ever again. as herself is fond of saying about persons she has no time for, i wouldn't piss on it if it was on fire. in fact, i especially wouldn't piss on it if it was on fire...


Vetnurse said...

oh l don't know Joker. The (toilet) paper you are talking about would go very well under the cat litter tray or where a new puppy may pee or poop.

Patience-please said...

hmmmmmm. How do they know who is which?

uphilldowndale said...

You can't kid me , that top dog is Billy Connolly

Rikkij said...

ah-but would you piss on me if I was on fire? your secret is safe with me. ~rick

Anonymous said...

I wasn't the snitch... I swear! Now what is it I need to know?lol Down boy, down....

Woman in a Window said...

Laughing too damn hard to type!
My heart is so full right now...farg Joker, I love you!

You're rocking the leopard print.

hooray said...

Joker who? ;-)

Casdok said...

I think your disguises will hold you in good stead!

Jos said...

I do think the Poirot-esque moustache might be a bit of a give away ... watch your back Joker! xxJ

Jocelyn said...

I wouldn't even, er, toss vodka on it if it were on fire.